Konposit provides sales strategy and sales execution support to leading technology firms in the US and abroad, specializing in C-Level messaging and engagement.


The C-Level Blog

Executing Effective Sales Campaigns - What’s Your Message?

Picking back up on the topic of outbound sales campaigns that have high response rates.

For starters, assess the message of the campaign.

How to do this?

Identify an industry in which you have a capability(-ies) better than anyone else; don’t start with secondary markets first.

Start where you are the best around.

Then - identify an issue that, while cliche, keeps them up at night (not you).

What is that business problem? What does it look like?

Really internalize the business problem - feel that issue, as if it were your own.

Now - what is your capability - NOT PRODUCT - that not only can fix it, but produce a material financial benefit, e.g., drive material EBITDA, as an example, or lower costs. Soft benefits don’t count.

Write the campaign copy in succinct fashion, focusing on that industry and market and that business problem and need. Share a teaser on the unique capability you have in the market that addresses this need. Note there is no product talk.

More to come in future pieces..