Konposit provides sales strategy and sales execution support to leading technology firms in the US and abroad, specializing in C-Level messaging and engagement.


The C-Level Blog

Commandment #10 - Eschew Sales Trainings

Final tip in this series - please, please don’t go into a client meeting espousing sales methodologies (I’m referring to non-verbally)!

It’s the surest way to turn off a client.

No client wants to be led to believe they’re part of a sales stage.

Do the opposite of a ‘methodology’ - be a human!

Toss the sales stages and methods out the window and simply go into a meeting with the aim to listen.

The key here is, you must go into that meeting though having done lots of homework on the individual that you will be meeting with, and, be prepared with deep color on their industry; as an example, it could be an industry use case you think the client may want to know about - anything you feel may be additive to them.     

Next time your sales manager asks you to go drive a meeting by way of a particular sales training, throw caution to the wind and go be a human instead.

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